By Chelle Destefano
Slap slap!
A nun slaps my hand as I sign
Speak! She spits in my face
I want to cry
I shake
I try to speak
I am not clear
I am six years old
This world is silent to me
I look around me
Lips are moving
They are talking
I have no idea what about
My head is pulled back and twisted around
She makes me watch the teacher talking
I watch on bewildered
Without any idea
I feel sick
I endure this for another five years
One day I stand in the schoolyard
I look around me
I look at my hands
I am fourteen years old
My hands move effortlessly
I smile and laugh
I see moving hands everywhere
I see my Deaf people around
This is my language
I feel mixed but happy
I have finally my language in my hands
A gap in between my life
Five missed years
Long gone is that nun
Audism still rampant
But I push against that
With my language in my hands
Oppression no place for the Deaf
Home is my Deaf community
I stand tall as I sign
I am forty two years old
Audism I reject
Listen to me!
I have a voice!
I have a language
My safe space is the Deaf community
I have no room for audism
I decide how I speak!
I decide my access
I have Deaf agency!
Chelle Destefano is a Deaf multi-disciplinary artist working with performance, sculpture, collage, textile, poetry and drawing to inform her Deaf history and experiences, combining some of these disciplines into one work. Chelle is currently working with Auslan poetry in her performance works. She adapts Auslan poetry to text that is then sewn on fabric to inform her Deaf experiences. The performance video is then projected onto the textile poem. She was a finalist in the Banyule Art Award 2019 and currently in 2021, Lyn McCrea Drawing Prize, Incinerator Art Award, Footscray Art Prize, and winner of the Lake Art Award.